Nothing as festive as an 80s C-list celebrity family in a range of knitted cardigans. I hope you enjoyed the calendar!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
24: Merry Christmas
Nothing as festive as an 80s C-list celebrity family in a range of knitted cardigans. I hope you enjoyed the calendar!
23: Hands On
Monday, December 22, 2008
22: The Hand that rocked the 60s
I think I may have copied this out slightly wrong, but according to my notes, "this is the shit which makes every woman look like she wants to look". It can't possibly get any more 80s than this. Interestingly, the pattern makes no mention whatsoever of shoulderpads, so maybe people in the 80s just had naturally angular shoulders.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
20: So Flattering!
Oh, this is one of my favourites. It's described as "well cut", bringing out Geraldine James' "glowing physical appeal" with the benefit of "instant streamlining", as, unbelievably, she was "six months pregnant when photographed". It's amazing what a huge, garishly coloured blanket/tent covered in bobbles can do for your figure.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
18: Kiki Dee
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
17: a quick breather: a NICE jumper.
Monday, December 15, 2008
16: like mother, like daughter
He's free to wear whatever he wants.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
14: Fluoro adult bib
14: Fluoro adult bib
13: Yes. Lace gloves AND white slacks.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Sensible use of time
Thursday, December 11, 2008
12: His repertoire includes Beethoven AND opera!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
11: A gentler sort of chap
Tim Pigott-Smith has designed this mind-bogglingly clever jumper that can be worn in three different configurations. Really though - if you think about it, there are at least 9 combinations, especially considering the 80's preference for asymmetry. Even more, if you join the pieces up in different ways! Oh, the possibilities!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
10: Julie Waters facing her always busy day
Julie Waters looks like the photographer surprised her in her teenage bedroom at her parents house, that she recently had to move back to after being jilted at the altar. Having her hair and makeup done would have been just too much of an ordeal after she'd been crying for weeks so she just wrapped herself in her favourite blankie and put a strained smile on.
Advert break
Monday, December 8, 2008
9: It's as if Barbie ate too many marshmallows and puked all over a tablecloth
"David Shilling, international hatter and dress designer, models his flamboyant colour blocked sweater which guarantees that any man or woman who wears it steals the show."
I won't dilute the hilarity of this photo with silly comments.
By the way, if anyone is interested in the actual patterns, let me know. Who wouldn't want to make this?
8: "almost as much style as her close friend Boy George"
Sunday, December 7, 2008
7: Migraine inducing bodystocking
Friday, December 5, 2008
6: Tudor Ms Nikolaus
I don't even know where to begin with this one. The "Tudor" sleeves? The strange knotted hat thing (a "1985 hat", apparently)? The lady is called Molly Parkin, "comedienne, poet, novelist and chat show stirrer", if that means anything to anyone. Ah, it's no use pretending. The fact is that I would probably wear the whole thing.
The reason this is today's picture is that she does look quite a lot like a modern day female St Nicholas. Well, more so than anyone else in the book.
Christmas presents
Anyway, I've been crocheting (I know! I still don't really like it though. Very hard to watch TV while crocheting.) Christmas decorations for my friend M. It's the first Christmas she's living with her boyfriend so she's really going for it with the decorations I think. According to him she's going for a deep red and silver colour scheme so these Norwegian hearts and snowflakes/stars should just about work.
For her boyfriend however, who a) loves drinking a LOT of tea and b) is missing Bristol quite badly after moving to Leeds this summer, I bought a massive teacup shaped plant pot and painted a Bristol skyline on it. I am definitely spending too much time on all this stuff!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
5: If you knit a legwarmer a couple of sizes bigger, you can wear it as a skirt!
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
4: Hot Gossip - wooly excercise pyjamas.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
3: Pretty Woman, nananana na
"Debbie Brett, the top model who was dubbed 'the most beautiful girl in the world' has a stunning 21-inch waist' and is still only photographed with her arm in front of her belly in this bizarre creation. This is the sort of garment where you can really show off your pubic hair (bottom left). I presume Prince Charles was a fan of this one too.
2: Ms Oatmeal-Doubleboob
Monday, December 1, 2008
Advent Calendar
"Three Degrees", Prince Charles's favourite girl rock group, apparently (remember this was before the Spice Girls grabbed his arse). Prince Charles' approval seems to be generally a proof of quality, this will be a recurring theme in this book.
The girls "went wild over these designs and let them go to their heads in the most flattering way". Can't argue with that. I like to think they look a bit like the three wise women. Certainly exotic.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
The ultimate twee shopping experience
I am so easy to please. If something is either red, has bows or polka dots, I want it. If this goes on much longer, I will look like Minnie Mouse. I do try to vary things a bit but I just love my red dotty bows so. So I now have a new red beret with a black and white polkadotted bow on, a sheer cream blouse with a bow, and some absolutely awesome underwear with little russian dolls all over it.

I'm not going to put a picture of myself in my pants on the internet, but it looks like this. It's hard to see but it also has little metal charms shaped like matryoshka dolls. Love.
Monday, November 24, 2008
I really could not have been better qualified, well, unless I had some actual work experience. I will still try to buy a copy of the Knitter, even though I'm not sure how I'll do that. Seeing as this was the last job application I had running in this country, I'll now definitely be off somewhere else. Don't know where, really. I hope I'll actually get my act together and go on my long awaited american road trip.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Warm and cuddly
AS for the pattern, I thought I'd try an illusion pattern. It looks like it's just stripey:
but it has this hidden picture on one side:
and this on the other:
I think she'll like it.
Monday, November 17, 2008
mm. Cakey.
Here's a translation of the recipe I used (from Hausfrauenseite):
For the dough:
- 200g margarine
- 200g sugar
- 6 eggs
- 300g plain flour
- some vanilla essence
- 1 tsp baking powder
- 1 pinch salt
- 6 tbsp cocoa
- 1 jar of cherries*
* in Germany, cherries are generally sold in big glass jars, in their own juice. You can buy these at Aldi in the UK, but alternatively, tinned cherries probably work too. I think you need about a pound.
for the custard cream:
- either: 1 packet German "Vanillepudding" powder, 100g sugar, 500 ml milk
- or: make up a pint of custard, using slightly more custard powder than recommended - it should be quite firm.
- 250g margarine
For the chocolate icing:
- 1 bar milk chocolate
- 1 bar plain chocolate
- a little fat - lard, butter or margarine - to make the topping shinier and softer. I didn't add this which is why it cracked when I cut the cake.
Whisk together the margarine, sugar and eggs. Combine with flour, baking powder and salt, add a little vanilla essence. Spread half the dough on a baking tray covered in baking parchment (or just greased, if you don't have any baking paper).
Mix the remaining dough with the cocoa and spread over the light-coloured layer.
Scatter the drained cherries over the dough and press them in lightly.
Bake for 20-30 minutes at 200°C in the pre-heated oven.
When the cake has come out of the oven, it needs to cool for a little before you can add the next layer.
Custard cream:
Prepare either German "Vanillepudding" or stiff custard, leave to cool slightly.
When the cake has cooled and the custard has not quite set, stir the margarine into the custard and spread it over the cake.
Leave to set (the fridge helps).
Chocolate topping:
Melt a little fat in a saucepan and add the chocolate (broken into pieces), heat and stir until no lumps are left. I prefer to do this in a bowl set into a pan of hot water, previously boiled in the kettle, it also works and you avoid burning any of the precious chocolate. Spread on top of the custard layer, let it set (fridge again), cut into slices and eat!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
We have a jumper!
Mainly, I'm just relieved that now I've finished this project, I can stop watching quite so much TV for a while.
Here it is after blocking, on me! I love it. It's really long, so finally a jumper that doesn't expose your muffintop, my mum will approve of the kidney protection. And quite flattering, I think. Thank you, Elizabeth Zimmermann!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
On the other hand, I may be back after Christmas if I get this awesome knitting job in Bath! And it's looking good - I got through the interview stage at least, and now have to proof read, correct and size-grade a couple of patterns. And sh*t the bed, it's a lot harder than I thought. I had this blasé attitude that it would just come naturally, but it's not that simple and takes a while to get into, also this one pattern seems to have more mistakes than correct instructions, so I'm starting to wonder if I'm correcting the right bits. Hmmmmm.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Better than Cath Kidston
(here you can see it rolled up and in another colourway) The consensus at yesterday's Stitch'n'Bitch was that people would pay in the region of 12 pounds for them (The Cath Kidston version costs 20 quid but is of course much less cute). Do you agree?
Friday, October 31, 2008
Scary baking
There are ones with apple pieces in and filled with custard, topped with white chocolate with a bit of mixed spice:
some more conservative chocolate ones:
and some rather crazy ones with blue dough, red and green chocolate topping, filled with jelly and topped with sweets! No idea if these will be edible, but they look fun:
Now I just have to be careful not to pick up my delicate lace knitting while my hands are still covered in food colouring.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Latest Developments
Yesterday, I had an interview as technical editor for a yet-to-be-launched knitting magazine. Best. Interview. Ever. They asked me to bring samples of my knitting and were very appreciative and impressed. I love showing off my knitting. I really have no idea if they are considering me or not, my lack of any work experience may be a problem (like it always seems to be), but I enjoyed myself anyway, so that's good. But then my applications for two other jobs seem to be progressing nicely too. Exciting times.
I am also making more plans for my yarn stall at St Nicks market that I will hopefully get next week. Unfortunately I can't do much until I receive some wholesale price lists and they seem to be taking a while. Postman hasn't been today yet though so I have hope.
It may seem pathetic to you, but I subscribe to the Aldi Special Buys newsletter, and this week they were advertising a Barbie knitting machine. I've always been curious how these things really work so I went to have a look - they are only 15 quid. Turns out this knitting machine can only make tubes of exactly 20 stitches around. I might have bought it anyway if it hadn't been quite so.... well... pink...
Monday, October 27, 2008
Speed knitting
I started making the Emerald cardigan for my mum only a couple of weeks ago, and even though I also knitted a matching cowl as a birthday present in between, they are both finished now! And unbelievably soft and cuddly, I'm a big fan of James C Brett's Marble Chunky. I need to be careful I don't make everything from this actually - it's so cheap, too.
Then, I have finally frogged my infortunate attempt at the Lucky Clover wrap cardi from Stitch'n'Bitch - it was just much too wide, and my attempt at rescuing by re-knitting the back panel to be extremely narrow it was also unsuccessful - That just gave it a very strange fit. So now I'm turning it into a jumper of my own design. I want it to have slightly puffed sleeves, a zig zag lace pattern that I made up myself, and I will pick up some stitches on the front to give it a ruffle/bib effect. We shall see how effective this is. I think I may be overenthusiastic about knitting jumpers after making that extremely quick cardi, but chunky and DK are a world of difference...
Today's challenge is to find some matching fabric to rescue Alex's nice waistcoat ruined by a too-hot iron.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Now with extra Twee!
So here's Twee as Volk - Possibly the most convoluted and pointless pun ever. If anyone is seriously interested I could explain the evolution but it isn't really worth it, trust me.
I copied all my older knitting posts here so it wouldn't look so empty to begin with.
The latest news is of course that I am about to go to St Nicholas Market and hand in my application form to run a stall at the saturday market. I will try to get some normal cheapish commercial yarns, and probably also sell some from the Coldharbour Mill Textile Museum. I'm thinking about making some kits too, for example some really simple chunky scarves for beginners or maybe my bluebell mitts for slightly advanced knitters. Anyway, I'm pretty excited.
Friday, September 26, 2008
So after spending several hours on free Brigitte and Für Sie patterns from their websites, I thought I'd put up the pattern for the wristwarmers/fingerless gloves I made for Anna last year. Put it all in a PDF and listed it on ravelry - and now 49 people have queued it, 79 call the pattern a favourite* and someone thinks they are "super cute". This is approximately 129 times more positive feedback than I've had for my PhD, ever. Ridiculous.
Now I just have to hope the pattern is not full of mistakes. And if I get the ones with fingers out of the box they are in some time maybe I can write that up too.
*10 minutes later: 50 queues, 81 faves.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Finished Sox
It's incredibly difficult to take a good picture of your legs using self-timer, especially if you're trying to avoid any upskirt shots. Hence why the top is cut off, I ran out of battery and patience.
Also, it's my birthday. Happy birthday to me. I got a pen that is also a ruler, a spirit level AND a tiny screwdriver (both flat head and phillips). Excellent.